Zero Waste Shop
Life is short. Don't waste it. Zero Waste.


Zero Waste Shopのコンセプトについて

Zero Waste Shop

It's a new concept of shop in Japan, already available in other countries, in the form of bulk shops in North America and Europe or actual zero waste shops in Canada and Germany;
⦁ we will be selling products either without packaging or using biodegradable packaging, avoiding plastic as much as possible;
⦁ fresh, local, organic, hand-made, natural, safe, sustainable, fair trade products are preferred over the others;​
⦁ products are shipped directly from the suppliers and are stored in big containers inside the shop;
⦁ customers bring their own containers and bags.​
⦁ we provide all the daily necessities of a supermarket, at a low price;​
⦁ our goal is protecting the health of the customers and the environment, boost the local economy and ultimately become leader on the market;​
⦁ our dream is to be game-changers and lead the zero waste movement in Japan;
⦁ we sell not only zero waste products, but we make sure that we are avoiding making waste as a store overall;
⦁ all products, services and the selling process will be in accordance with all the safety and sanitary regulations.


Both society and the global economy are evolving towards more sustainable practices. The number of customers asking for more eco products is growing. Plus COP21 forces Japan to reduce CO2 emissions.


  • アドバイスして欲しい
  • 投資して欲しい
  • 協業・コラボ(リソースが欲しい)
  • 協業・コラボ(リソースを提供したい)
  • スタッフ探し
  • 取材してほしい
  • 創業メンバーを探したい


担当者様、こんにちは。 プロフィールを拝見させていだだき、○○の部分にとても興味を持ちました。 もう少し詳しくお話していただくことは可能でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
担当者様、こんにちは。 私も○○のようなサービスを運営しているのですが ぜひ、一度お会いして情報交換などできないかと思いメッセージさせていただきました。 よろしくお願いします。